chat-orbe (4 posts so far) | | 1 Nick:
Swearing or insults should not be used for the user name, either with a clear bad or disgusting, defamatory meaning of other users or not having an unusual amount of characters.
2. Commercial or advertising purposes:
The use of the Forum is only for CHAT-ORB users for support is thus prohibited its commercial use, unless express written consent of CHAT-ORB
6. Standards of style in the Forum:
Demonstrates respect for other users if you look at the following
rules for writing messages:
Does not allow the use of insults swearing, or the given uppercase means shouting. This are standards of basic education, I think clearly for all. Topics that can be hurtful or offensive to other users as to your own portal, are exposed to be removed and deleted without prior discussion forums to the controller.
8 Language:
9 Controversial messages or discussions:
The polemics that transcend the personal level, giving rise to offences or lack of respect towards other users will be removed, and may cause a bloquo of pages.
Deleting these messages may be immediately without any justification by the administrator
Relapse in topics or attitudes that have resulted in deletion of messages that fail to comply with these rules can initiate the process of expulsion of the user of the Forum.
10 Deleted messages:
Failing to comply with these rules of use or are resolved indications topics will be deleted. This measure is to prevent Spam.
11 Casualties users:
This action will be applied as a last resort to maintain warmth which must prevail in the CHAT-World Forum. Users who fail to meet the standards of use of the Forum may be given low where serious or be banned Forum.
12 Spam:
Wikipedia, which is Spam? I place the information on this page, since it is the best explanation:
Called spam, junk email or sms spam messages unsolicited, usually advertising type, sent in large quantities (even massive) which damage of one or several ways to the receiver. The action of sending those messages is called spamming. Although it can be done in different ways, the most commonly used among the public in general is based on the e-mail. Other internet technologies that have been spam include newsgroups, usenet, search engines, wikis, forums, blogs, also from popups and all kinds of images and texts on the web. Spam may also have intended to mobile phones (for text messages) and systems IM as Outlook, Lotus Notes, etc.
Also called spam viruses loose on your network and filtered pages (casino, raffles, prizes, trips and pornography), activated by the income to pages of communities or groups, or access to links on different pages.
It is also considered SPAM post 2 response followed by a subject (double Post). If you want to add information to this issue but we have responded last we must use the "Edit" feature: