Category | Posts | Last post made by |
Rules / Information for new users Area for new users, and those who would like to see / learn about the standards of service and forum. | 1 | chat-orbe 04/20/2010 at 03:41am |
General Problems Problems with your site? Publish it here and try to help as soon as possible | 0 | - |
Suggestions Tell us your suggestions to improve this page! | 1 | Mirzazain1 05/30/2010 at 08:50am |
Welcome to the Forum chat-world! Introductions and Farewells Welcome! If you're new here you can introduce yourself to the rest of the webmaster community and if you can communicate also be absent from this forum. | 0 | - |
How do you like my page? Sign here your pages to people: - Here are suggestions to improve and qualify. ONLY ONE ITEM PER USER, PLEASE | 0 | - |
Classifieds Here you can post if you need people to help you for your web.EJ: Administrators forum. manage a radio. etc | 1 | chat-orbe 04/20/2010 at 03:45am |
Tutorials and resources These are tutorials for users, here you'll find tutorials / information on core functions of specific and general, as well as tutorials to improve your site! | 0 | - |
About Codes Here you can put your questions related to codes, templates and web master to make | 2 | chat-orbe 04/20/2010 at 03:52am |
HTML Having trouble with HTML? Aquí podrás quizás conseguir la solución. Here you may get the solution. | 0 | - |
CSS CSS Codes | 0 | - |
Javascript Here you will find topics for your Java web applications. | 0 | - |
Workshops section for the workshops. | 0 | - |